About Siam Kidd
The Realistic Trader
Siam Kidd
“I was fed up with charlatans promoting get rich quick schemes and making thousands from Day 1. So I set up RT to be the most genuine and ethical financial education company out there.
The reality is, this is hard work to begin with. One can’t become financially independent in a year, it’s a 5-10 year journey of constantly failing and improving, not a magic success bullet.”
Who is Siam Kidd?
A former RAF pilot, Siam is now a full time Investor/Trader, he owns a group of profitable businesses and he learned how to trade simply through hard trial and error.
He says, “I was probably the worst trader on the planet for the first 6 years, losing money constantly, before things became consistent. People don’t need to go through the same crap I did…”
Siam has accurately called many moves which have made his community profits, but his Personal Best to date is the 2015 Black Monday crash where he managed to make over £422k in 30 mins. Since then, he has had 7 other £100k days during periods of market crashes.
In more recent times, Siam accurately called the January 2018 Bitcoin crash where he sold all of his Cryptos and then jumped back in the market at the lows thereby accumulating a far better position. And also forecasted and side-stepped the recent 2022 crash.
However, for full transparency, despite forecasting it, 2022 was a terrible year for his trading and subsequently lost about £2m. However, much of that are just ‘floating book losses’ and should evaporate once the Crypto bull market returns.

Since 2013 Siam has been forecasting a Stock Market Crash in 2016. He even made a DVD titled ‘How To Profit From The Crash Of 2016′. In one speech in early 2015 he said that around October 2015 there would be the first ‘tremor’ of this coming correction… he was off by a month and a bit. That correction came in the form of Black Monday 24th August 2015 where the world Stock Markets plummeted as well as most Hedge Funds. However Siam made his investors 30% that day (£422k within a 30 minute period).

Siam's Trading/Invest Track Record
2010: Forecasted QE 1, 2 and 3. Went long on indices.
2012: Forecasted + Profited from the Apple stock crash.
2015: Made 30% in 1 day from the Swiss Franc/Euro unpeg.
2015: Made £426k in several hours during the Black Monday crash (see proof).
2015: Made 61.29% ROI in the FCA regulated fund he was trading.
2017: Publicly traded a $25k account up to $1.1m in just 4 months. But got out late in 2018 and ended up with just $350k. Doh!
2018: Grew his digital currency account by over 300% despite the market experiencing a 90% crash.
2018: Called and profited from the Boxing Day rally, the biggest 1 day movement of the S&P500 in history at the time.
2020: Publicly traded an £88,500 account to £200k in 5 months.
2021: Grown his portfolio over 1200% whilst generating a strong daily cashflow from it…
2022: Despite forecasting the crash, a bunch of short positions didn’t work out and he ended the year just north of £2m down.
2023: As of October 2023, he is up 45%

I've been watching the videos for the past couple months, I've been hesitant to place my first trade. But knowing that I'd only do 0.1% MR really helped with the hesitancy.
I finally jumped in with my first trade, it had an awesome setup imo (confluence of resistance + a high test + kobo). I only earned 1.8R on this one, maybe I snatched profits too soon, but I'm feeling great about it.
Thank you Siam, and the avengers too!

There is no better trading education than RT. I am absolutely amazed of the number of hours and the depth of the lessons in this trading course. Siam, you are patient, persistent and very good teacher. I wish all the teachers would be like you. The investment into the RT trading school is well worth it.